Submitting Policy Questions

Submitting Policy Questions

On the 3Keel Commodities Platform, you submit your Policy questions online. There are policy questions for each retail customer you supply to, for each commodity you supply to them.

You can not submit your Policy questions relating to individual customers until you have uploaded your commodities Declarations.

Survey Table

When you log on to 3Keel Commodities you will be presented with the list of Policy (customer questions) associated with you in a table. 

The table provides an overview for:
  1. type of commodity 
  2. customer associated to the policy questions
  3. status of survey

Status of Survey

If you completed sign-up and validation for your surveys prior to 3rd January 2024, the status of your survey will show as 'New'. This means you are able to complete your Policy questions for that survey.

If your status is displayed as 'Ready to Validate', you will need to answer the validation questions before you can access your Policy questions. For further support, go to Sign-up to 3Keel Commodities for help completing the validation process.

The Status column will provide you with an overview for the progress stage for all policy questions associated with your account.  Once you have started answering policy questions relating to your customers the status will change to 'In progress' and once you have submitted a policy with your declaration completed, the status will display as 'In review'.

Once your Policy and Declaration questions have been reviewed by a member of the 3Keel team and your answers are completed, the status will show as 'Accepted'.

Any issues with your answers will be followed up by 3Keel, and your status for that Commodity will show as 'Excluded' until you update your answers, when the status will go back to 'In progress' and then 'In review' as you update and re-submit your questions.

Completing Policy Questions

The left hand column for the name of your 'Commodity' is a link which will bring you to the Policy questions for the selected commodity.  

The answers provided for each question will populate further questions below depending on your answer.

To save your progress, select the ‘Save progress’ button at the top right-hand side of the screen, you must make sure you do this before leaving the page.

At the bottom of the Policy page of your customer question is a 'Next' button. Select to move onto the next page where you can submit your Policy questions.

Submitting your Survey

The final page of the Policy section allows you to submit your customer questions.

You will not be able to submit your customer questions unless a declaration file is found relating to the commodity you are answering policy questions for.

Import your Policy Answers

If you are required to complete customer questions for the same commodity for multiple customers you can clone your policy answers (so long as the answers remain the same).

If you wish to clone your policy answers this must be done after the Declaration is completed; one policy for a customer for the same commodity has been completed; and that Policy and Declaration have been submitted.

When the status for a commodity is showing as 'In review', you can go into the Policy questions for the same commodity for a different customer and select 'Import answers' from the top right-hand side of the screen. 

This provides a drop-down menu, where you can select the Policy questions you wish to duplicate for the same commodity, from a different customer. 

Confirm 'Import answers' to upload the commodity policy answers to your selected customer. Save you answers before leaving the page.

This Policy will now be displayed as 'In progress' within the table. Once again follow the steps above to submit the Policy questions.

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