Submitting Declaration Questions

Submitting Declaration Questions

To complete your Declarations on the 3Keel Commodities Platform, you must download the Declaration templates for your associated commodities, complete the declaration and upload into the Declaration submission area.

You need to compete one Declaration per commodity you supply to your customer(s). (Whereas Policy questions are per retail customer you supply to, for each commodity.)

You can not submit your Policy questions relating to individual customers until you have uploaded your commodities Declarations.

Declaration Area

We would suggest you start your submission process by downloading your Declaration templates.

Select 'Step 1: Upload your Declaration' to go to the Declaration page. (You can also be taken to the Declaration page at the end of your Policy questions. Remember: you can not submit any Policies until you have uploaded the corresponding Declaration.)

Downloading your Declaration

Palm / Cocoa / Coffee

Downloading your Declaration template is simple. Simply select 'Download Declaration Template' listed under the Commodity type heading associated with your account.


The Declaration template provided for Soy depends on where you have information relating to 'Feed'.

You need to answer 'Yes' or 'No' to the question relating to Soy in your supply chain. Answering 'Yes' will present you with the button for ' Download No Feed Declaration Template', and answering 'No' will present you with the button for ' Download Feed Declaration Template'.

Uploading Documentation

Uploading your Declaration

All documentation can be uploaded by 'drag and drop' or 'Select file'. More than one file can be uploaded.

The upload area for Declarations is just below the 'Download Declaration Template' area.

Uploading Supporting Documentation

We kindly ask that you upload any supporting evidence you have relating to the Commodity you are submitting the declaration for.

Multiple files can be added in the 'Evidence' section.

For Coffee, Cocoa, and Palm Oil there is one 'Evidence' section. 

Soy has two separate evidence sections. Please upload evidence under Soy separately for 'Soy Certification' and Soy Origin'.

Changing Uploaded Documents

Once you have uploaded attachments, you can can make changes by deleting uploads and replacing uploads.

Select the 'rubber' to delete documents. Select the 'file' to upload additional documents.

Table Overview

On the main page of the Commodities platform, you are presented with a table. The information in the table related to the status of your Policy customer questions, and not your Declaration progress as this is completed offline. Policy questions are completed online.

Submitting your Survey

Declarations are submitted through the individual Policy questions relating to your customers.

Select the name of the Commodity for your customer within the table on the Commodities home page. Once you have answered all Policy questions and selected 'Next' at the bottom of the Policy questions page. You will be taken to the page where you can submit your surveys. 

So long as the Declarations template is completed for the related commodity, when you select 'Submit', your Policy questions for that customer and the related Declaration for the Commodity will be submitted to 3Keel for review.  

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