What about my own brand products?

What about my own brand products?

What about my own brand products? 

Whilst you are highly likely to be receiving an invite from your Retailer/Customer to join the Mondra Platform in the coming months, and to refine data points for the SKUs that you serve them under the Freemium model, there is also an option to have your own brand products modelled for environmental performance for full Scope 3 accounting and reporting.  
Whilst this pathway does not go through the Retailer-invite channel that allows us to extract data from brand compliance systems, we would need to manually manipulate your data to make it compatible for the Hypermodelling engine. We have created seed data templates that, once populated, plug into the system and are run through our Hypermodelling engine to generate results. The templates focus on capturing data around products basics and volume, recipe structure and sites, and packaging. We offer full training and support as part of the data capture process, ensuring the data is captured correctly and as easily as possible, which will simplify the onboarding experience for own brand products. 

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