Why have I received a survey that is not relevant?

Why have I received a survey that is not relevant?

We do not supply this Commodity


If you have received a survey from a retailer but you have not supplied that retailer with any own-brand product that contains cocoa – neither as a raw material nor ingredient – please declare that you are out of scope for this exercise to 3Keel within the registration process by submitting an exclusion request.
No further action will be required once you have made this declaration.


If you have not supplied the retailer who issued your survey invite with any own-brand products that contain livestock-based products (animal proteins - meat/dairy/eggs/fish) —  neither as a raw material nor an ingredient—please declare to 3Keel that you are out of scope for this exercise by submitting an exclusion request.
No further action will be required once you have made this declaration.

Palm Oil

If you have not supplied the retailer who issued your survey invite with any own-brand products that contain palm oil – neither as a raw material nor ingredient – once the portal is open please log onto to declare to 3Keel that you are out of scope for this exercise by submitting an exclusion request.
No further action will be required once you have submitted this information


If you have not supplied the retailer who issued your survey invite with any own-brand products that contain coffee– neither as a raw material nor ingredient – once the portal is open please log onto to declare to 3Keel that you are out of scope for this exercise by submitting an exclusion request.
No further action will be required once you have submitted this information

This survey should have been sent to a colleague

You can forward on the 3Keel Commodities survey invitation to a colleague. They will need to follow the steps to set up an account.
Once they have completed the account set up, 3Keel will be alerted, and the new named contact will be reviewed.
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